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euROBIN CALL for Scientific Workshops

euROBIN CALL for Scientific Workshops


As a partner in the euROBIN project, you have the unique opportunity to organize a workshop that relates to the project's key topics. Through this open call, you can apply for financial support to cover the expenses associated with hosting the workshop.



The call has a clear and focused scientific vision centered around the cognitively-enabled transferrable embodied AI idea spreading into almost all aspects of modern robotics research. The project aims at a co-evolution process of concepts, technology and applications through cooperation among partners and external Academic Institutions and Research Centers. The common understanding of transferability on hardware and software levels will evolve at the same pace as the scientific and technological methods.

euROBIN will exploit workshops to share the know-how among the partners and to disseminate results and incorporate feedback and knowledge from the entire robotics community.

As euROBIN partner you may organize a workshop related to the project topics and apply to this call to cover expenses.



The applying institutions have to be members of the euROBIN consortium. This program is meant to fund:

  • Workshops organization.
  • Facility expenses coverage.
  • Visiting presenters staying.



Each year, the project will cover around:

  • 3 Scientific workshops, 5000€ each.



The call will be open from June 1st, 2023 to October 31st, 2023. Application process:

  • Prepare a description of the scientific research topics that will be covered during the Workshops.
  • Send the preliminary program of the Workshops.


You can find the application form here.



The dedicated euROBIN Board will open a call for scientific workshops two times a year. The board will evaluate the received proposals based on the quality of the workshop and the relation of the proposal to the euROBIN scientific topics.


If you have any questions or require further information about the application process, please reach out to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.