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euROBIN Coopetitions introduce a new robot competition concept, where participating teams get awarded for the performance of their contributions both for the own team and for other teams that (re)use their modules. Teams must deposit their software modules in a shared repository EuroCore (the Marketplace) where other teams may go to pick and use them for their own competition runs. This way, the skills required to accomplish tasks in the different application domains result from composing modules developed by different teams. The objective of the first euROBIN Coopetition is to learn from this experience what makes a software module successful, in the sense of being reused in different robots and/or tasks by different teams.

The euROBIN coopetitions will be used as a way to leverage this goal by motivating international teams to develop their solutions to handle three application domains in a way that supports and pushes euROBIN’s goal:

  • Robotic manufacturing for a circular economy
  • Personal robots for enhanced quality of life and well-being
  • Outdoor robots for sustainable communities

euROBIN’s cooperative competitions (Self titled as Coopetitions) are based on a scoring system that gives credit to a team for its own achievements in executing tasks and for the successful usage by other teams of modules developed by the team. Team scores are also higher when they use other team’s modules.

  • euROBIN 1st Coopetition: Nancy, France:
    • Dates: 25-28 November 2024 (after Humanoids 2024)
    • Venue: Centre des Congrès Prouvé (Nancy Congress Center)
    • Apply here:
      • Qualification materials (sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
        • Team description paper (The paper should highlight the team’s key achievements and results, current research lines, applicability to real-world scenarios, and how these relate to the league’s topics. Additionally, teams must specify which algorithms they intend to share via the euROBIN EuroCore platform and provide descriptions of the software modules they require. The paper should include the league name (Industrial Robots, Service Robots, Outdoor Robots), the team’s name, the team members’ names, contact information, website details, a description of the robot’s hardware, and relevant photos.) – max 4 pages two-column article format IEEE Conference style
        • Video: showcasing one or multiple robots executing a task related to the league where the team intends to participate. For instance, in a manipulation task for the Industrial Robots League, a human-robot interaction task for the Service Robots League, or a navigation with obstacle avoidance task for the Outdoor Robots League. The task goal must be clear and the robot execution must clearly achieve it. The video can be sped up and must have a maximum duration of 10 minutes. The team must state if the execution is fully autonomous or has some degree of tele-operation.
    • Fulfil this form:
  • Latest version of rulebook (05/06/2024)
  • Developed modules must be available in euROBIN’s EuroCore platform. Check the guidebook here










Below, you will find the teams that will participate in the euROBIN 1st Coopetition, next November in Nancy, France. Each team links to the information about the robot/product that will take part in the competition: 






If you are interested in sponsoring and/or exhibiting at the Eurobin Week / 1st euROBIN Coopetition in Nancy, 25-28 november 2024? 

Then take a look here, where you can also find the current programme of the event for both Eurobin and Humanoids 2024. 



2400m2 of space where you can participate as a sponsor or exhibitor in one of the most important robotics and AI events of the year! 




Humanoid robots, quadrupeds, drones, manipulator arms, articulated mobile platforms, from 25th to 28th November 2024, the Inria centre at the Université de Lorraine invites you to discover the latest European technological advances in robotics and artificial intelligence! Research institutes, universities, industries, a total of 32 partners will be meeting in Nancy (France), at the Centre des Congrès Prouvé, for a European robotics competition: the 'European Robotics Week 2024'! Visits, scientific plays and activities will also be offered to the general public and school classes.
The event is being organised as part of the European project euROBIN, the European Network of Excellence in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence.
Would you like to find out more? Please, contact us!
Registration- Humanoids 2024:  CLICK HERE for registration
More information:
Press contacts:
#Science: Serena Ivaldi, Inria Research Director in Robotics, Inria centre at the Université de Lorraine - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
#Team Communication : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


See you there!

The euROBIN Coopetition Team 


For travel information and how to come to Nancy -  Click here 


Venue: Conference Center Prouvé - Click here for more information


Nancy, general information:  Click here


Programme- Eurobin Week / 1st Eurobin Coopetition / Humanoids